Every summer I’m tempted to join a CSA, but I know that we would never be able to actually use up the full bounty of deliciousness. Plus, I’m kind of scared of weird ingredients like garlic scapes. Maybe I’ll be able to get over my fears by next year!
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2013/05/16 01:24
This movie, as stated before, is a classic. This movie should not be replicated. The 80′s were special and hollywood has a way of wateringdown classic titles. “The Last Dragon” is a “cult classic” low budget diamond in the rough. I wouldn’t want to see my favoite movie tainted by what hollywood would want it to be
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2013/05/16 01:29
I have always been a denimhead. I’ve always appreciated good denim. Its always a dream to try some good raw denim. I like how the denim evolves with us as we wear it. It is a statement, a diary, a log and a friend. Like a fingerprint, all of them are unique and they are yours.
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2013/06/28 03:34
No, I did not say that the “majority” of children are special needs, what I stated was “It isn’t always about how “educated” the parents are. Just because a parent is well educated, does not make that person a good parent, nor does it guarantee that their child has normal functioning and abilities.” meaning that just because a parent may be educated does not mean they will not have children with educational needs beyond what they can manage at home. Also, there is no research that shows a negative impact on normally functioning children in a preschool classroom of children who have special needs. Again, it is your “choice” as a parent to place your child in a preschool or not, regardless of what President Obama is proposing, if it even passes. Parent’s will still have the choice to educate their children at home or in a private school. Again, to restate the importance of early childhood education, if you are able to be at home with your child to educate them and provide them with outside social opportunities to interact with peers, then great, but you are not in the “majority’ in regards to the ability to do so financially. I am a Speech Pathologist who evaluates children for early intervention and know the stats and know the research. I am passionate about children having free opportunity to learn. Universal Preschool with provide that opportunity for more families than it does now. Although it may sound mandated, it is no more so than children in in level of schooling where parents do not want them participating in the public education system.
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2013/07/13 17:46
Ce n’est pas Le Monde qui fait les élections et les évolutions de l’opinion fran?aises. Il ne fait que les suivre et tente vainement de salir ceux qui ne sont pas politiquement corrects.
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2013/07/23 11:36
So I take it he didn’t convert to Islam. The rumor the rumors.
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2013/07/24 04:58